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Sandra Ahlgrimm
is a Cloud Advocate working for Java Developers at Microsoft. She co-leads the Berlin JUG and Berlin Docker MeetUp. Sandra has been a Java developer for over a decade and is a container admirer who recently learned to love AI.

Eberhard Wolff has 20+ years of experience as an architect and consultant - often on the intersection of business and technology. He is the Head of Architecture at SWAGLab in Germany. As a speaker, he has given talks at international conferences and as an author, he has written more than 100 articles and books e.g. about Microservices and Continuous Delivery. His technological focus is on modern architectures – often involving Cloud, Domain-driven Design, DevOps, or Microservices.

Dr. Gerald Brose arbeitet als Staff Engineer und Development Team Lead bei der Akelius Technology GmbH in Berlin. Er hat mehr als 20 Jahre Industrieerfahrung als Teamleiter, Softwareentwickler, Architekt und Berater. Geralds Schwerpunkte sind verteilte Systeme, Enterprisearchitekturen und Backends.
Dr. Gerald Brose works as a Staff Engineer and Development Team Lead at Akelius Technology GmbH in Berlin. He has more than 20 years of industry experience as a team lead, software developer, architect and consultant. Gerald's focus is on distributed systems, enterprise architectures and backends.

Jörg Müller ist Principal Consultant bei innoQ. Seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren arbeitet er in verschiedenen Rollen in der IT-Beratung und Software-Entwicklung. In den letzten Jahren beschäftigt er sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Architektur und dem Betrieb von Software as a Service. Aktuelle Themen sind Continuous Delivery, Microservices und Docker. In der Community ist er als Autor aktiv, hält Vorträge und ist beteiligt an der Organisation der JUG Berlin-Brandenburg sowie mehrerer Konferenzen.

Karl Pauls
Karl is a software architect and OSGi expert with broad experience in
different operating systems, programming languages, and (distributed)
systems. He implemented the Apache Felix Framework Security Provider
and is an active member of the Apache Felix Framework development team
as well as other Felix subprojects. He is a member of the Apache
Software Foundation and is involved in various Apache and other open
source projects. He regularly speaks at conferences such as Apachecon,
Eclipsecon, JavaOne, and OSGi DevCon. Karl works at Adobe and is a co-author
of the OSGi in Action book.

Oliver Fischer arbeitet als Softwareentwickler und Projektleiter in Berlin und schreibt Artikel zu Java-relevanten Themen für verschiedene Zeitschriften und Online-Magazine. Seine Interessensschwerpunkte liegen auf innovativen Systemen und Ideen, am liebsten in Java, und auf agiler Beratung. Zudem leitet Oliver die Java Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg sowie die Atlassian Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg.